Tailored Access collects and processes data in full compliance with the EU GDPR. This is why you don't see a cookie consent form on our website.

The site is powered by the Ghost CMS using it's default configuration, which does not set cookies.

Analytics data is provided by Plausible in manner that is compliant with all major privacy frameworks: GDPR, CCPA and PECR.

The following is an excerpt from Plausible's data policy:

No personal data is collected. We do not track, collect nor store any personal data or personally identifiable information. You can explore all the data points we do collect in our data policy. Plausible Analytics is even more privacy friendly than options such as server logs. In server logs, you can see all the IP addresses of your visitors and details about when they visited your site while there is no way to get any kind of personal data from Plausible Analytics. You can read our full comparison with server logs.


If you become a member of Tailored Access, you agree to have your personal data (name and email address) processed and stored for the duration of your membership. You can unsubscribe from Tailored Access newsletters at any time through the customer portal.

Payments are processed entirely by our payment partner, Stripe. We do not have access to your payment details (credit card, address) at any time.

You can contact us through the customer portal to have your account deleted at any time. Account deletions are permanent and irreversible.